Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Wow what a hot day.
I have not been giving farm updates the last few weeks. I've just been slacking and putting the vegetable list. So:
Today we spread composted chicken manure in our big field. Yay! The ground is dry enough and the temperature was an eye-popping, climate-change-tastic 65 today so we reduced the huge pile of old chicken crap in our driveway to a mere molehill and now the worms can work it into our soil for us.
I'd like to say everything went smoothly, but that so rarely happens so I was not expecting as much. The rusted out fender on our truck was pulled off from using it to tow the manure spreader. Ah well, that will be a problem to worry about another day. Today we just simply continued spreading after the truck was rendered useless by using the tractor instead.

And our old barn is getting fixed up. Its not going to be fancy but it should be functional. Come see it in a couple weeks when, hopefully, it will be done.
Lots of other items are on the winter to-do-list and we'll just keep plugging away merrily.
Seed catalgues are here so its time to get our order together - maybe next week.

note to Corning folks - if you want greens mix, please specify "lettuce mix" or "spicy mix" so we know for sure which you mean - thanx!

7 items
lettuce mix
spicy mix
onions (red and yellow)
winter squash - butternut, acorn
pie pumpkins
celery root i.e. celeriac
mini cabbages, big cabbages
salad turnips - hakurei and red
Brussels sprouts
watermelon radishes

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