Friday, September 28, 2012

This photo is from our brief visit to a seed farm/company near the Hudson Valley.  That yellow egg-shaped fruits are eggplants. They are well past the stage at which you'd want to eat them and they are almost ready to harvest to save the seed. The company is Hudson Valley Seed and they have a small seed farm plus they also buy seed from other local farmers to sell in their artful packets. We're thinking about possibly growing a variety of some vegetable for them next year - if they're interested. Probably something easy like peppers. Check them out at It is fascinating to see some of the vegetables in the different stages of their lifecycles that even as farmers we don't usually see - yellow eggplants, 2nd year beets and carrots that are tall and setting seed, the purple, spherical flowers on onions and lettuce stalks that are 4-5 feet tall.

This is the the time of year when we go out in the morning with sweater or jacket and possibly even a wool hat. Then as the sun climbs over the trees (assuming its not cool and rainy like today), we tend to shed the layers wherever we are when we suddenly get too hot - maybe in the middle of the pepper row while harvesting or weeding in the carrot bed or while spreading cover crop seed in an onion bed after they've all been harvested. Then as the sun quickly dips low behind the trees in the afternoon we are just as suddenly chilled and we try to remember where we left our layers earlier that day.

Get your Halloween pumpkin this week as part of your share if you'd like!

Please don't forget we are having a garlic planting day on October 13 at 2:00. Come on up if you can - we'd love to have some help to make this task go a little faster!

And fall/winter CSA shares are still available. $306 for 7 items/week Nov-Feb. Its a great deal with lots of great vegetables. See us at market for details.

lettuce mix
spicy mix
pea shoots
sunflower shoots
Swiss chard
a few cherry tomatoes
a few green beans
a few dragon tongue beans
a few peppers, green and ripe
winter squash - delicatas this week
pie pumpkins
celery root i.e. celeriac (its baaaack!)
mini cabbages
a few broccolis

next week: more of the same except probably acorn squash instead of delicatas

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