Thursday, June 28, 2012

The bad news is it looks like we won't have any of our summer-bearing raspberries this year. It seems that the ones that were not killed off by phytophthora root rot last year, are succumbing to it this year (or something that looks similar). We know these are a big hit with everyone, but apparently our soil is just not well-suited to raspberries. But we did plant two new rows this year so we'll see how they do.

Where is the rain?? Its not here in our little corner of the Finger Lakes! When we go to till a bed its just rototilling dust and I get covered in the dust from the cloud that results.
So our pond is being drained rapidly by our irrigation pump.

This week's vegetables:
lettuce mix
sunflower shoots
pea shoots
squash and zucchini
shell peas - just a few :(
dill and parsley
new potatoes
Swiss chard
baby Swiss chard
garlic scapes
a few beans

next week's expected vegetables:
all of the above plus
a few eggplant
 green onions
a few peppers

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