Well, we've had a whole 24 hrs with no rain (fingers crossed, knock on wood, etc.).
So we've been pulling weeds - yes - weeds have already started growing. Unfortunately we've not had a chance to use our new cultivation equipment. Its just been too wet even for that.
But our blueberries bushes and little pawpaw trees have been mulched.
With most of our tilling, seeding and transplanting being delayed, we may be asking for some help possibly next weekend with transplanting. If the ground dries out this week we will need to begin transplanting onions, broccoli, cabbage, kale and chard. We'll update you next week on whether this will be possible or not. We realize this would be very short notice, but unfortunately we don't have control over this. But also if the weekend doesn't work for you, we would welcome help any day you want to come up and get your hands dirty. Just give a call ahead of time. If we get a few more sunny, warm, windy, rain-free days, we will be able to till and the plants will be going in the ground.
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