4th Week of October - LAST WEEK!!
Thank you all for putting your trust in us to deliver vegetables to you each week. We
appreciate all of the support you give us. We get so much positive feedback from you each week and it really lifts our spirits knowing that what we do is valuable to you. Though, honestly, we would also appreciate any constructive criticisms you may have.

So, we will be asking you to complete our 2009 CSA survey this week. You can fill it out when you pick up your vegetables. We'll have an envelope to place them in so you can return them anonomously. Or take it with you and send it in to us. We'll also send a copy through e-mail. Your input is useful to us in planning for next year.
Last week we poured the concrete slab on which we will put our walk-in cooler. We think it turned out okay. The concrete is almost done curing so we can start to think about the installation.
The season-long cycle of farmers' markets is finally coming to an end. And none too soon. Our list of things that need to be repaired, cleaned, organized, built, cut or prepared for winter has been growing all season with many items being put off for the "slow seasons". And we will both be ready to break into that list with full force next week as we will be harvesting only one day per week (Friday).
Check into this blog periodically throughout the winter as we will update it infrequently. Or you could just become a "follower" of the blog and you'll be notified if and when we update it.
Thanks for your interest in the CSA and thanks for taking time to read the newsletter this season!
roasted fall veggies to warm the home and your belly!
cut and cube potatoes, parsnips, carrots, leeks, onions, garlic, celeriac, sweet potatoes, beets, winter squash, and what ever else you have lying around. Cut according to how fast it will cook, winter squash should be cut a little smaller than other things.
toss with olive oil and crushed garlic (1-2 cloves worth), rosemary, thyme, or your favorite herb can be tossed in, too.
bake spread out from each other a little on a tray at 350 degrees, for 40-60 minutes stirring every twenty- until tender. toss with fresh parsley, frozen (or fresh) pesto, or serve with ketchup and enjoy!
thanks for eating through this season with us and investing in local agriculture!
matthew and liz
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