loading up the market truck
In market farming there is a threshold that we watch out for when it comes to weeds (and insect pests) as well. If the weeds are below a level that will damage the crop plant that we are growing, then we leave them until we have time to deal with them, or until the crop is finished and they can just be mowed and tilled in. As long as the weeds do not set seed, there is no harm done. But, when the weed (or insect) level passes that threshold and the invador will damage the crop, then something must be done. This is a different mindset perhaps, than a home gardener has. The measure that is used in a home garden tends to be an aesthetic one. When weeds pass the asthetic threshold (whatever it is in that particular garden), then the garden needs to be "tidied up a bit". This being said, many of our beds are looking the best they ever have this year with less weeds than in the past. Now if we could only get some real rain from the sky, they would really be thriving!

the harvest list of the week
Every harvest day starts with a list. We are grateful to have five working shares this year helping us with on farm harvesting, before their arrival, we make up a list of what needs to be harvested for the day, it generally stays the same all week, though we do add or remove items as they come into and leave productivity. Our big harvests are monday, wednesday, and friday, but we harvest tuesday morning, thursday morning, and saturday morning before market as well to supply really fresh greens for the day. this leaves monday and wednesday mornings only where we are both home to do farm work that necessitates two people. We take Sunday's off starting in July. It is a busy time of year for us still, but things are slowing down compared to June when we are harvesting (though not as much) plus still doing lots of planting and weeding tasks as well.
Things you may see this week
new potatoes
zucchini, patty pans
fresh onions
snow peas
for those who haven't used raddichio before, it is slightly bitter green. It can be used in salads, eaten lightly salted and drizzled with olive oil (cooked lightly or raw) or in this great recipe:
Yield: 6 servings.
1⁄2 cup olive oil
4 Tbsp. balsamic vinegar
4 tsp. chopped fresh thyme
2 tsp. Dijon mustard
* * *
12 radicchio leaves, blanched slightly in simmering water to soften
3 4-oz. logs goat cheese, cut into rounds
6 small tomatoes (yellow and orange, if available), sliced
to taste, salt and pepper
Whisk first four ingredients together for vinaigrette. Arrange leaves on work surface. Brush center of each leaf with marinade. Place cheese rounds in center of each leaf. Fold up leaf around cheese, creating bundles; cover and chill. Heat seasoned grill to medium-high. Brush each wrap with dressing and grill until cheese softens and leaves char slightly. Arrange tomato slices on plate, place bundles on top. Drizzle with remaining dressing, salt and pepper.
Here's a zucchini idea!
1/3 cup biscuit mix
1/4 cup grated parmesan cheese
2 cups shredded zucchini, unpeeled
1/4 tsp. salt
1/8 tsp. pepper
2 slightly beaten eggs
2 T butter for frying
mix all ingredients, except butter. melt butter in pan, drop 2 T of batter for each round, drop onto hot skillet, cook 2-3 minutes per side, flip when bubbles form on surface. Serve with applesauce.
we never got our act together for a july CSA event, sorry! In august we will be hosting a sleep out event! For the past two summers we have had a sleep out event to watch the perseid meteor showers, this year the shower's peak is august 12th, which is a wednesday, due to the fact that most people have "real" jobs and are unable to sleep out midweek, we will host a sleep out event on the night of Saturday august 15th, put it on your calendars now! There may not be a major meteor shower coming that night, but the sky will relatively dark, and if you have never slept out with out a tent over you, be ready to be amazed, its dark and lovely at night on the farm! (of course you are welcome to bring a tent, but the stars aren't nearly so nice through the nylon and we are lucky to have very few mosquitos.) a potluck supper for dinner and campfire are planned, we'll make homemade granola with fresh fruit for breakfast on sunday morning. More info to follow later.
hope the week is great!
liz and matthew
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