i would like to lodge a complaint with whomever is in charge of weather. We have had lots and lots of lovely days lately including today, and yesterday, and at least half of Sunday. But Saturday, a nice day it was not! And we hosted our first CSA get together that day, too!
When the phone rang at 11 o'clock, i was certain that it would be someone calling to cancel, but what?- it was someone calling to say that they were coming and had not RSVPed, wow! It was chilly with a wind that was a times stiff. But our CSA members were by and large unperturbed! How grand!
we all enjoyed a lovely potluck lunch (inside by the heat of a cozy fire) and then took a tour of the farm. Then we left it up to how we felt if we were going to go out and do a farm project of some kind. when the question was, will you stay or will you go, a four year old member, felt strongly that we should go do something, and i guess everyone else felt that way, too, since we ended up getting three different kinds of potatoes planted. Fun, and thanks for coming out, gang.
we will be crossing our fingers for the may 22nd date that the weather will be warmer and maybe a little sunnier, too. especially since there may be a film maker in attendance. We are taking part in a beginning farmer film series, which cooperative extension, Tompkins county got a grant to do. it will be brief videos of different farm tasks and we are so glad that it is being made, where was this kind of thing when we were getting started?
planting is in full swing and right now onions, broccoli, cabbage, lettuce, carrots, beets, chard, kale, potatoes, spinach, and leeks are in the ground. if you are gardening along at home, its okay to have all of those things in the ground in our area of the country.
happy week, time for sleep!
liz and matthew